Access our free online help guides
We’ve created loads of helpful guides so you can get the most out of your everyday technology.
Here are some of the most popular topics:

What does April do?
We provide a free to access website dedicated to helping you get the most out of your everyday technology which contains step-by-step guides, easy to follow videos and lots of other help in the ‘Find Help‘ section.
How much does the service cost?
It’s free! Whilst the impact of Coronavirus is still felt and people are in lockdown, we’ll keep the volunteer service running.
What personal data do you collect about me?
When you call us, we only collect your name and your phone number if we need to call you back. We also record any calls to the helpline but they are not recorded against your user profile and we would only access the call records in the event of a complaint or other problem. Please read our privacy policy for more detail on this.
Who are the volunteers?
The volunteers are individuals from across the UK who are committed to help. They have been ID checked by April and we record all of the calls to keep everyone involved in the project safe.
Are you liable if I do something wrong online?
No, we are not liable for any problems or loss that you suffer due to your activities online. We do our best to ensure that all our materials and our advice are as accurate as possible and tailored to your individual needs. However, we cannot always guarantee that our advice is specifically tailored and/or that you don’t inadvertently do something that exposes you to risk in your use of technology. You should always contact our helpline if you have concerns or issues – that is the best way to stay safe online.
Read our privacy policy and full terms of service here